Wednesday, July 11, 2012

Youtube Me Up!

Well look who we have here!? It seems I still have not gotten an update from windows NOR nokia on my damn phone. which is dissapointing however I am not a part of the general populous who think the windows 7.8 is a joke. All i really want is the home screen and no matter if it is JUST that or other crap too I get what I want. So no complaining by this faithful customer.

Anyway! I have created a new page, which includes my music, I know I've tried this before with soundcloud but youtube is much more accessible by others and such else and I coded a nice little bit of javascript which i'm proud of, as if you search... I actually dont know javascript.

also if you are one of the very very very few who actually frequently visit (ha! I wish) you can see the blog has gotten a massive uphaul! We all know thats always a good thing. Im taking in every little piece of code and making it tip top no matter where you look. Details there.

Ballsart On Youtube

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