It seems to me I have found an amount of people actually view my blog now. how unfortunate, a lot of people must be pretty bored. I have no real news on a design side, other than I created a new web layout simplicity the key for this one,
But this post is more of a review. A review of a mobile in-fact, the Nokia Lumia 800. I bought it just over about 2 months and it must very well be the best phone I've ever touched. I know I have very limited experience with smart phones as I never jumped on the iPhone or Android bandwagon. But I can honestly say I cant believe I didn't sooner...
With my already strong bias to Windows products. The Windows Phone was the obvious choice. The OS is sleek, smart and responsive. It doesn't take a genius to get it right like android and doesn't look outdated and generic like the iPhone. It has its own class. But with the positives it has its negatives as well.
If you've researched the Lumia at all, you will hear "Battery this, battery that," i'm horribly sorry, but its true the battery life sucks royal ballocks. Also the market place although still early days it dry and dull, however with a developer unlock (which I haven't got) the possibilities are endless. another downfall.
I recommend the phone personally, but again bias to windows, I'd even put in a limb here to say I am a fan-boy of Microsoft and windows.

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